
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day 2012: Grand Lake & The Hansen Family

As with most Memorial Day holidays, the Hansen family traveled to Grand Lake to spend the long, holiday weekend with the Ruestmans and Zoe.

Hunter invited his girlfriend, Ashley, for the weekend get-a-way and after a little coaxing and convincing with her mom ... she was able to join us!  We left Friday afternoon about 5:00 and since Hunter had to work until 8:30, they didn't get away until close to 10pm.  (I was a worry wart with him driving so late and in unfamiliar roads!).  Hunter stopped in Joplin to pick up Donna so she could join us ... he ended up picking her up close to 1:30am and, much to my relief, they arrived about 2:15am.  Finally ... I could go to sleep!

The next morning we all slept in a bit and had a late brunch - our classic lake brunch: fried taters, sausage, bacon, fresh crappie, fruit and biscuits!

My Boys

After breakfast we headed to Wal-Mart to get some rations for the weekend then came back to the house and did lots of relaxing!  Saturday night we enjoyed wonderful hamburgers and brats on the grill and lots of great conversations and many, many laughs!  Each dinner setting is sure to bring a new story courtesy of the Ruestmans: they are never ending, it seems!

Saturday night the adult ladies (and Graden!) stayed up late talking and talking ... while Dayne and Zoe overtook the upstairs watching movies, snacking on treats and watching movies!

Sunday morning, as with Saturday morning, Graden got up super early and enjoyed some fishing.  Hunter joined him and they stayed out till about 11am, then headed in just in time for the usual lake breakfast!

After breakfast, we all prepped for a ride in the pontoon to take the girls tubing for a while!  We took them out toodling around for about an hour: they never grow tired of tubing!  They had a blast, of course!  After we got back from boating, Hunter and Ashley joined us at the dock and took the jet skis for a spin!  The girls swam in the lake while Marilyn and I took in some sun rays -- for about three hours of glorious relaxation!

Dayne with Smoke
Love Dayne's face in this tubin' action photo!
Our Captain!
The Young Couple heading out on the Jet Skis!
After some R&R in the sun, we got ready for dinner: Dick's traditional smoked ribs!  Complemented by corn on the cob and baked beans (which, every year we debate on whether or not they should be runny or baked. Marilyn and I opt for baked; not runny ... each time we are told we are wrong!).

The icon of weekends at the lake!

After dinner we spent a little time chit-chatting and more story telling, mixed in with a little political debate (another staple with any visit with Marilyn - a true politician!).  Sunday night we retired a little early so Graden could get up early Monday morning for a little more time on the water and I could get up earlier than usual to enjoy some reading  and coffee on the back porch, enjoying the cool morning breeze and taking in the view of the lake!

Sunday was spent doing a little more relaxing, reading and entertaining conversations.  We managed to find some free time to visit the Grove consignment store, too!

Love mornings at the lake! (I tried to read this book, but I must not be smart enough to appreciate the writing style of Hemingway?)

As with all weekends at the lake, the end came much too soon!  Hunter had to work on Monday, so he, along with Ashley and Donna, loaded up and headed for home a little after noon.  The rest of us hung back and soaked up every last minute of R&R at the lake ... eventually heading for home about 3:30.

On our way home we stopped in Joplin to see the McGinnis' and Donna -- timing it just right as Mindy had just made toasted subs for dinner! Yummo!  As always, we really enjoyed our visit with the McGinnis', too!

We arrived home Monday evening a little after 8:00 and started our routine to get ready for the work week ahead!

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