
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Girls, Girls, Girls! * Only! *

What a great weekend it was! My BFFs (Trista, Jen and Kim) have been planning a visit for about two years .... but it finally came to fruition this past weekend!

The girls arrived on Friday about 5:30 and we immediately starting having a blast! We kicked the weekend off with some Margaritas, chips and salsa! Our signature snack! We had a nice dinner (Talapia & Chicken with veggies) and sat around chatting until about 7:30 ... then we started to get ready for the night out!

Even though I have lived here for almost 4 years I have never taken part in all of the excitement of Kansas City night life ... but all that ended Friday night! We went to the Kansas City Power & Light District, a well known 'hip' place. It was great! I can only describe it as a mall of bars. A wide variety of types of bars - country, hip hop, rock, sports, etc. Mostly we just did a lot of people watching. One of the great things about the P&L was that everyone was dressed *nice*. No one had their pants drooping half way down their ass, no one with upside down, red bandanas, etc. Much to our entertainment, there were still plenty of people wearing things they had NO business wearing! We stayed at the P&L until about midnight ... then headed for home!

Saturday we got up about 8:45 and had bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast on the deck ... lounged around a bit ... then went for a little shopping and dining at the Town Center in Overland Park, KS. We got pooped and headed back for home ... to get ready for our next exciting gig: The Comedy Show!
We had reservations to see Ralphie May at Stanford & Sons Comedy show at 9:45 so we went to dinner kind of early so we'd have plenty of time to get to the club, enjoy an adult beverage and not be rushed. That was the plan .... but not exactly how it turned out! <> Read on! <> We went to a local Mexican restaurant and had a great dinner! BUT, Mother Nature decided she wanted to partake in our evening plans and gave us a tornado close to where we were headed for the comedy show! We took our time at dinner, watching the news and video clips of the tornado ... trying to wait for the storms to pass since it was about 45 minutes north of where we were.

As good of a plan as that seemed ... seemed like Mother Nature had other plans: Round 2 of Storms. As we were headed toward our destination, the sky got to looking weird so we got off at the next exit that looked like it might have a bar we could hang out at and, if need be, seek shelter! Finally, about 9:00 it looked safe to continue to our destination and we arrived safe and sound about 9:15.

The show was quite late getting started (10:30 vs 9:45) but it was a funny show! We didn't leave the show until after 12:30 so we didn't get home til after 1:15 (waaaaaaaay past our bedtime!).

The weekend came to an end this morning about 9:15 when the girls headed for home. It is a 5 hr drive, but Kim had another 2.5 hrs and Jen had another hour til they were home. They traveled through three "monsoons" on the way home and Jen saw a tornado from the interstate. A little too much excitement!

I am so glad they visited and so thankful to their husbands and kids for making some adjustments and sacrifices to allow them to come! I can't wait to see them again!

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