
Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Weekly Haps

Things that took place this week in the Hansen Family:

1) Dayne got her report card and got almost all 3's (the equivalent of an A) ... only one 2+ in Language Arts. We are quite proud of her and plan to treat her to dinner at her favorite restaurant!

2) Graden was home for the weekend ... kind of a rarity since the beginning of the year. He stayed home this weekend to "regroup". I think he was still recovering from fishing last weekend where it was in the mid 30s and HORRIBLY cold!

3) Graden taught Hunter how to shave. <> YIPES! <>

4) I worked on organizing and sorting ALL my pictures in hopes of determining which ones I want to scrap and which ones I only want to put in photo albums. I am in a quandry because I want to put the photo album pics in a chronological order and I am so afraid that I will find pictures AFTER I have already filed them and then they will be out of order .... and the world will stop spinning. Just kidding about that last part. Ahh ... the things that worry me. Ridiculous, I know.

5) I have started to .... ick ... don't even want to say the word ... diet. This girl LOVES her some food but she really, really needs to start watching what she eats. It's going to be a struggle. Graden has lost a lot of weight so I am going to mimic his habits. We are planning to run an 8K in August so it'll help me prepare for that, too.

We are super excited to have Donna, Gretchen & the kids visit for the weekend! Graden & Hunter will be gone fishing so it'll be just us girls ... except poor TJ.

I guess that about sums up the Hansen Weekly Haps. Check back for next week's update!

Love to all,

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