
Sunday, April 26, 2009

iTouch iUpdate!

Fantastic news! Hunter was able to get his iTouch back on Saturday! It wasn't because anyone came forward and did the honorable, honest thing ... but none the less it is back with it's righful owner!

Hunter was at his friends house (the same one where it was stolen from) and Sam*, the brother of Marcus* (the theif) was showing someone "his" iTouch and was asking for help on how to work certain applications. Sam didn't know that Hunter was there and Hunter came up behind him and said, "Give that to me ... it's mine." Sam argued that it wasn't and ran home. Grant, one of Hunter's friends, ran after Sam and followed him home. Sam came back out of his house with an iPod and said that it was their family iPod .... hoping Hunter was dumb enough and wouldn't notice that it wasn't the same one. Duh. Hunter called Sam on it and pointed out that wasn't the same one he had earlier. Enter brother #3: Bobbie*. Bobbie goes in the house and comes back out with Hunter's iTouch and hands it to Hunter to look at. Hunter notices it has all the same applications (programs) and in the same order. Even better - it has all the same pictures Hunter had downloaded. Including pictures of Hunter! Hunter didn't give it back at that point, but went back to his friend's house.

I am seriously considering calling the parents of the boys to let them know what happened since there is a 0% chance that they didn't steal it.

Either way ... very glad it is back and just hope there are not any future problems with it.

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