
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Locks of Love

For the second time in her life, Dayne has donated ten inches of hair to the Locks of Love foundation! If you are not familiar with this program, please take a minute to visit their website! The organization uses donated hair to make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to illness, cancer, etc. It's a great feeling knowing we've helped a child feel a little bit more "normal" amid all the challenges they are facing with their health!

Several years ago a friend at work (Affina, if that tells you how long ago it was!) told me about Locks of Love and inspired me to chop all my hair off and donate it! As soon as Dayne's hair was long enough, I vowed to do the same with her hair. When she was 4 we donated hair ... and again today! Here are some before and after pictures and some video!

Before (this really was her idea ... She looks a wee bit tortured here but I promise she wasn't!)

Her hair sectioned off to make it easier to cut.

The four chunks of hair ... all ready to be packaged up and sent off! Looks like four dead animals I think.



Andrea Dellit said...

how cool, Dayne! what a great organization -- the new do looks great!

Shan said...

That's awesome Dayne! My cousin did that a couple of times too. I don't have the patience to grow mine that long!