
Saturday, May 10, 2008

We're baaaaaaaaaaack!

Hello! It is has been TOO long since I last posted. Life gets busy, but that is no reason to neglect my blog! I will do my best to give some updates on what has happened in the past (almost) three months since I last posted!
3.22 & 23: Gretchen and the kids and Nana visited Lee's Summit for Easter this year. We rotate each year which house we have Easter and this was our year to host! Gretchen and the kids stayed for a few days, and Nana stayed for about five (wonderful!) weeks!

Here are some pictures of the kids decorating their eggs and enjoying their Easter baskets!
Dayne decorating her eggs!

Hunter even had fun decorating a few eggs!

All the kiddos had a blast decorating eggs! They dyed them, stamped them and put stickers on them!

The kids enjoyed their Easter Baskets! The "little ones" each got a new Webkin and Hunter got some speakers for his iPod!
Gretchen and the kids left the Sunday after Easter and Nana stayed with us until the end of April!

05.01: Scary weather! Graden was en route to Iowa, taking Donna home & attending a wedding reception, and we had some exciting weather that night! There were tornados in the area and several areas damaged due to straight line winds (I had never heard of them). The tornado sirens were going off ... we even had a cubby to seek shelter in the "dungeon" (our lower, sub basement) and had Hunter's mattress down there with us - - prepared to use it to protect ourselves! We also had candles, my cell phone (and camera ... although not sure why!) and a weather radio! I was releived when the warning was lifted and we went without any damage.

One good thing that did come of all this .... Hunter was so very sweet to Dayne consoling her and telling her it'd be okay and patting her back. : )

05.01: Dayne auditoned for the school Talent Show, singing with her friend Madison, "See You Again" by Miley Cyrus. She found out last week ... they made the show! She is so excited & we are all very proud of her! The show is on May 21st ... I will surely be taking some video of it and posting it for all to enjoy!

05.02: Graden fished in a tournament at Truman Lake - - only about an hour from home. He left early Thursday morning and the kids and I joined him Friday evening after I got off work. We enjoyed some family time together Friday night: ate dinner at Applebee's and took the kids swimming.
Here are some pics and video of the kids at the pool:

Graden had to get up early Saturday morning so the kids and I had some time together on Saturday, until weigh in at 2:00.

We slept in a bit until about 8:45 then went down and enjoyed the contintental breakfast (love 'em!), then went for a swim in the pool ... then went back to the room to get ready and pack up our stuff!
The plan was to go see Graden weigh in at 2:00 ... but, being "directionally challenged" we didn't make it on time. We got there about 45 minutes late .. I was very disappointed. In my defense, I got bogus directions! The good news is that Graden did pretty good! He got paid anyway ... that is "good" in my book! Here are some pics of him waiting at the weigh in to get his check:

Dayne trying to stay warm!
Hunter trying to stay warm!

School Pictures

Hunter: 8th grade

Dayne: 3rd grade

~~~ 10 days of school left ~~~ (Where does the time go!?!?)

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

I'm so glad you're back! I missed you guys!!

You're kids are so gorgeous!!! What great school pictures!

Sorry about your scary weather..we can certainly relate to that around here these days.

Glad you guys are doing well!