
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all my mothers!

> Mom - Thanks for all you have done for me and supported me through. Every time I tell the story of how/when I found out I was pregnant with Hunter I am reminded of supportive you have been since day one. No other teenagers (that I am aware of) were told, "Congratulations!" when she had to tell her mom she was pregnant. That moment remains a very special one for me. Your love and adoration of my children is also very imporant to me and I am very happy they have such a wonderful Nanny! Thank you, Mama!

> Mom #2: My mother in law, Donna - Oh ... where do I even start!?!?? When I think of how special you are and how blessed my whole family is to have you in our lives I get teary eyed! You are such a phenomenal woman and such an inspiration to me and my kids. You are such a giving, kind hearted soul and if the world were filled with more people like you it'd be a better place. Our world truly is a better place because you're in it. You are my rock ... I am sure I'd explode if I didn't have you to bounce my emotions and feelings off! Thank you for sharing your son with me, he makes me happy and makes me feel complete. You raised a very fine man.

> Mom #3: My step-mom, Susan - Another woman I am very grateful to have in our lives. Susan is woman filled with patience & genuine care for others, what every nurse should be. Nursing is the prefect career for you. I am thankful for what you have brought into my dad's life and you, too, inspire me to be a better person and find some way to make a difference in this world. Thank you for all you do for me & my family.

Thank you to each of you. You each add such special things to my life and I am grateful for all of you. How many women can say they have three wonderful mother figures? Hugs and kisses ... I love you all.


1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said... are seriously the best daughter ever.