
Monday, August 13, 2007

Creativity has it's price, I learned.

On Saturday I thought I'd be creative and color my hair. As many of you know, I frequently dye the underneath of my hair a different color - usually some shade of red.

Well, I thought I'd be creative and do some "chunks" of red throughout the rest of my hair. Hindsight: baaaaaaaaaaaaad idea. When I took the towel off my head, Dayne's reaction summed it up pretty well. She told me, "Mom, you look evil." It was a shade of red that would be best described as gothic.

After heavy consideration of wearing Dayne's new Hannah Montana wig, I went to work and was quick to make an appointment to have my hair corrected. I felt like I needed to wear a sign around my neck, "Yes, I know my hair is messed up. I do not think it's cool." Funny how many people were nice about my hair ... "Oh, it looks cute!" "Why don't you like it?" ... I learned who my real, honest friends were today!!

It took four hours to correct my hair. When I walked into the salon many heads turned. It took 30 minutes to make a decison on how to correct it. I was a little bit embarassed, truthfully.

All in all, I am happy with the end result. Blonde with brown highlights and dark brown / auburn underneath color. Interesting, but I like it. : )

1 comment:

Shan said...

I want to see a picture of the messed up do!