
Saturday, August 11, 2007

What we did this weekend

Graden has a fishing tournament at Table Rock next weekend so he is gone for the weekend. The kids and I had planned on joining him, but decided against it since it is so freakin' hot right now! So, Graden is there all by his lonesome. He's leaving from (nearby) Springfield for a week long business trip to Florida so he won't be home until the 19th. : ( This will be his first tournament at Table Rock, so let's hope he does good! He isn't used to deep water, so we'll see ...

The kids and I spent most of the day doing a whole lot of nothing. Finally around 3:00 we managed to get enough ambition to leave the house and went shopping for school supplies. We worked up a hunger so we went out for a nice dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. We had a great dinner! The kids ate an amazing amount of food! We ordered desert and they inhaled it - like they hadn't just enjoyed a steak dinner! I was certain we'd need a to-go box for the desert (it was huge!). The kids and I often watch the show "Honey, We're Killing the Kids!" and I told the kids I bet the nutritionist would say I was killing them! They were quick to point out they get plenty of exercise and we don't keep much junk food in the house. I guess they're right ...

Tomorrow the kids and I are going to clean the house uber good and then celebrate by going miniature Golfing at Paradise Park (an indoor / outdoor family entertainment center). I'll be sure to take pictures so I can post them tomorrow!

Now Hunter and I are watching a show on the Discovery Channel on Sharks and Dayne (sporting her new Hannah Montana wig) is upstairs putting on a Hannah Montana concert for Oz. Ah .... poor Oz. : )

Will post more tomorrow ... Hugs to all.

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