
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Congrats to Aunt Marilyn!

Graden's aunt, Marilyn (Ruestman), was re-elected as State Representative in MO so Donna took the kids to the inauguration, being held tomorrow! We were lucky enough to be able to attend in 2003 and it was quite an experience. Hunter really enjoyed it in '03, and was very excited to attend this year as well. Dayne's 4th grade class is planning a trip to the state Capitol Building in April of this year, so this will be a great preview for her!

That being said ... it's quiet with just Graden and I here!

Below is a picture Hunter took (tonight) of the ceiling of the Capital Building:

It was a pretty laid back week ... thus no postings.

Dayne had a basketball game Friday night and Saturday morning. Unfortunately, the team lost their "undefeated" title on Friday ... and lost on Saturday as well. The good news is that Dayne is playing much, much better defensively! She also got a foul on Friday night, which made me proud! : )

Hunter had a ball game on Saturday morning as well - in fact, at the same time as Dayne's game. Graden was working at the KC Boat Show all weekend so he wasn't able to take one while I took the other, so I had to just drop him off and pick up up after Dayne's game got over. I hate missing his games! Hunter's team also lost ... just wasn't a good ballin' weekend for the Hansen kids!

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