
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Today's Writing Prompt: Drive

Write about a memorable drive you've taken (with you or someone else behind the wheel.)


The summer of 1993 I went on a family vacation with my mom, dad and Grampa Rich. We started in Iowa and headed West to Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, Grand Tetons then south to Arizona. I think we were gone for about two weeks total and I loved every minute of it. Well ... Dad was a little obsessed with the guisers in Yellowstone and there did come a point that once you've seen one, you've seen them all. Of course, we say Old Faithful!

The whole trip my mom kept reaching over and rubbing my belly. I guess it is important to make sure that everyone understands that in the summer of 1993 I was six months pregnant with Hunter! : ) I can still hear my grampa Rich telling us what our miles per gallon was .... and reading so many of the road side signs out loud .... reading to us about the "ant-i-queu" (antiques) stores along the way ... I loved it and am so grateful that my parents took me (and Hunter!) on that family vacation!

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