
Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Hansen Hap's in the last week

Friday 12.26:

I was orginally planning to work the day after Christmas, but when my boss, Matt, said that none of the managers needed to be on site ... I didn't argue! So, I spent the day with the family!

Gretchen, Hunter and TJ got up early to do some shopping and go looking for some great deals, but I decided to stay home and sleep in (and not spend money!)! Turns out, I didn't miss anything! I was hoping they'd find some good deals for their sake though. We spent most of the day just lounging around ... as we did the next TWO days! It was great having four days off!

Saturday 12.27:

Graden and Hunter headed to western Kansas to go scope out some hunting grouds. They spent the night there, since it is about a 4 hour drive. They didn't kill anything, but got in some good bonding I think! I love it when the boys spend time together just the two of them. As much as they bicker and Graden can get onto Hunter, I think they really do enjoy spending time with each other. For the most part, they get along really well. I am so grateful for that.

That afternoon we took the kids shopping to spend some of their Christmas money. They each got a new Webkin ... so that kept them entertained for a few days. Webkins are stuffed animals, but are also interactive online. I don't fully understand it all, but they sure do love it!

While the "monsters" (as we call them) were entertaining themselves we watched the movie Stop-Loss. It was pretty good ... intense at times and very sad at times as well.

Sunday 12.28:

The boys were gone most of the day, still scouting for ducks to kill at some later venture. The girls spent most of the day just lounging and 'laxin' (as Hunter used to call "relaxing" when he was just a tot!). We watched the movie Eagle Eye ... it, too, was a pretty good movie. Very action packed! All in all ... a pretty uneventful day! But plenty relaxing!

Oh, and the girls had a blast playing with Oz ... tucking him into bed. And of course, he ate it up! He'll take any kind of attention!

Monday 12.29:

Boooo! I had to go back to work ... and it was the start of a hectic week! January 1st is very symbolic for the insurance industry -- everyone's benefits start all over so our customers want to call first thing to order their medications! I don't fully understand why they can't wait until January 10th, for example, but ... whatever. It is what it is! : ) ... and it's job security! I'll take all I can get!

Tuesday 12.30:

I worked. I came home. We ate dinner. We watched TV. I went to bed. But, as boring as the night was, we did manage to capture this adorable moment between "Uncle" and Kylie!

Wednesday 12.31:

Graden's aunt and uncle, Dick & Marilyn, and cousin's daughter, Zoe, (the ones we went to Dog Island with last summer) came for the afternoon. I had to work, so I didn't get to spend time with them on Wednesday (but did on Thursday!).

New Year's Eves really should be a lot more exciting than this one was ... but we had a lot going on so we didn't really prepare too well. Gretchen, Donna and the kids (sans Dayne) spent the day in Joplin and got home about 8:00 so we just made some snacks and laid low until midnight came ... then all kind of settled down and called it a night. I am sure that if the 16 year old me I could have looked at the 32 year old me, she'd say "Looo-hooo-zer!!". Ah ... well, if she shoe fits!

When it came down to it, I was so grateful to know that my kids were home SAFE with me on one of the craziest nights. Next year at this time Hunter will have his license ... I am sure I will be a wreck worrying where he is and if he's safe!

Thursday 1.1:

While I was at work, the rest of the family spent time catching up with Dick & Marilyn and watching football. Graden smoked a brisket for lunch/dinner, so when I got home about 4:30 we all sat down for a very nice dinner. We followed dinner with a small birthday celebration for Kylie, who will turn 5 on the 21st. Since Donna will be staying with us through January, Gretchen wanted to have a small family party while we were all together. Kylie really seemed to enjoy it!

Friday 1.2:

Gretchen and the kids headed home ... it was nice to have them here for 8 days! Time flew! The kids really seemed to enjoy their time together ... even with the occasional bickering about whose turn it was to use the laptop. They knew better than to come to me with thier woes, for each time my response was the same: Work it out or I will take it away and no one gets it. That kept them away! : ) That's called problem solving and is important to learn young!

Saturday 1.3:

Graden and Hunter went to Stockton fishing for the day -- it was 65 degrees here! -- but had to cut their day trip short due to the trolling motor on the boat blowing up. Too bad ... Graden had high hopes of catching a bass in January (something he's never done, understandably!).

Well, I am headed to bed ... have to work tomorrow. Since it's crazy busy season I have to work six days a week. No whining from me though (see previous comment about job security!).

Hope everyone had a happy and safe new years!


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