
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Hansen Family!

Christmas 2008 at the Hansen Household started this morning with Graden and I getting up and making Cinnamon rolls (not from scratch, just the Pillsbury kind!). About 10:15 we finally woke the kids up and convinced them it was time to get up and open presents!
The kids got up, ate a roll and then dug into their gifts!

Dayne got:
  • A new robe
  • New boots (from Santa)
  • A parrot Webkin
  • A bead necklace kit
  • Lipstick and Nail polish (that smells like Pixie Stix!)
  • iTunes gift card

Hunter got:

  • Ed Hardy cologne
  • iTunes gift card
  • Gum (I have to explain ... whenever Hunter gets money, he buys loads of gum! I didn't want him to waste his birthday and Christmas money on gum!)
  • iTouch docking station / alarm clock
The kids really seemed to enjoy their gifts! Graden and I got each other a new clothes dryer! I jinxed our dryer about 3 months ago when I made the comment that I was so surprised that our washer and dryer had lasted as long as they have (we got them as a wedding gift from my parents) and that we hadn't had ANY problems with them. Literally about 20 minutes later is started making a noise like a bowling ball was in the dryer. It's a nice dryer and dries fast!

Oh yeah ... Our "Family Guy" also got some new Family Guy underpants! Graden and Hunter love that show.

After we opened gifts we all just piddled around the house, cleaning up before our guests came.

Gretchen, the kids and Donna arrived about 8:00 Christmas night ... and we opened MORE gifts!

T.J. and Oz


We had Christmas with Papa, Susan and Katie a bit after Christmas ... but never want to turn down an opportunity to celebrate or be with family!

Papa got an outfit from The Gap, Susan got pieces to match her new Holiday Pfalzgraph dining set and Katie got a bug zapper (she loves to kill flies!), bath soaps and a picture of all of us on the tractor!

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