
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Game 3 - Dayne

Both of the kids a basketball game today!

Dayne's game was at 9am: They won 33-27! They remain undefeated! Today's win was especially cool because they played the team who got 2nd place overall in last year's performance!

An area Dayne needs to improve in is her lack of aggressiveness, so I told her that she needs to foul at least once per game; to get her some idea of what is 'legal' and to gain some confidence in her ability to get control of the ball, or at the very least - make it harder for her opponent. (Truthfully, I think this lesson expands to her in many ways - not just basketball. She needs to stand up for herself and not let ANYONE walk all over her!)

Below is a video of her fouling (is it weird that I am proud of her fouling!??!?); to the left is a still shot of the actual moment she fouled:

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