
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today's Writing Prompt: Influence

Write about the one or two most influential people in your life thus far.


Graden: keeps me grounded; puts me in my place; breaks my heart to think of a time without him in my life. Over half my life I have spent with him; I can't imagine it any other way. Graden's "sticktoitivness" is just amazing - - I wish I had half of it! He never settles for less than what he wants.

Donna: my "rock"!!! How blessed am I that on days when I want to rip Graden's head off (luckily, not that often!) she is there to listen to me ... and still love him! She is such a patient woman and such a giving woman. Anyone who has ever worked with Donna in any capacity knows this first hand! She gives so much to all around her - from her kids and grandkids to the families she has worked with over her many years in the education system.

Honorable mentions: Gretchen (wow ... all that she has overcome (and overcoming!) in her life and established such independance!); My mom, Nancy: a woman who also went through a lot in her life (from growing up to a divorce after 25 years of marriage) and established an independance and managed to find new love through it all; my step-mom, Susan: another woman with an enourmous amount of patience! She has done such a great job raising Katie, my step sister who has Autism. She fought many school systems and policies to get Katie what she deserved.

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

I love reading your tributes to your peeps :)

but seriously, let's be serious...where do I rank...what's below honorable mention?

Pa-lees! I should at LEAST fall under:

"Influential former co-workers turned totally awesome friend who never visits Kansas": Andrea for sure-100%

haha! love you!