
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Today's Writing Prompt: Do Over

If you had a "do over" button, what one event in your life would you like to have a second chance at doing better?


After pondering this topic for a while .... I got nothin'. All the decisions I have made in my life have led me to where I am. I feel like having a baby at such a young age actually saved my life in a lot of ways. I think if I wouldn't have had another person (Hunter) depending on me to make wise choices, act responsibly, etc. I would have misbehaved and certainly would not have landed where I am - - in a very happy place with a successful family and career.

I thank Graden, too, for saving me before I had a chance to screw up my life. He's always been my "rock"... and continues to be every day!

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