
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all!

We all enjoyed a nice steak dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse, followed by ice cream at a local ice cream parlor! Ahh .... blissful time away from cooking/cleaning and endulging in junk food!

Dayne made a card for me! It was very sweet, and I must share what it said (unedited):

I (heart) you because you take good care of me and Hunter like you make healty dinner almost evrey night!
You also incourge me to do stuff!
I (heart) you because you help me out a lot like if I'm having trouble with my homework.
I (heart) you because you are the #1 best mom on the whole galaxy. You love me even if your about to snap like a dry twig.*
I (heart) you because you let me have fun like if I ask for someone to come over you usually say yes!
Let's put it this way I (heart) you all the time even when you yell at me! THANKS FOR BEING A GREAT MOM! XOXOXO Dayne
* My warning to my kids when I am about to lose it is to announce, "I am about to snap like a dry twig!"
Hunter's gift to me was to allow me to clean his wounds. He fell last night and skinned up his leg / knee pretty good ... and he knows I like cleaning gross things! What a sweetie, right!?! : )

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