
Sunday, May 17, 2009

It was a perfect:


Dad, Dayne and I went on a 4 mile bike ride this morning at a lake just a few minutes away. It was the perfect temp with the perfect amount of breeze.

Dad getting started on the bike trail. The trail was 3.8 miles ... but it was an "easy" ride and very enjoyable! I had great company!

Me on the bike trail! I am workin' the helmet, right!??

Dayne on the bike trail. She does make the helmet look cute!

Dayne on one of the bridges on the trail.

Dad took a tumble. Here he is, recovering. He didn't hurt himself ... just a bruised ego, I think.

The Hansen Family and Dad/Papa went to the Kansas City Royals game. Again ... perfect temp with the perfect breeze. And to boot: the Royals won! With 4 errors and having left 10 runners on base.

Graden and I at the game!
Graden and Hunter ... anxiously awaiting the Royals' next move!

The kids in front of the fountains the "The K."


After the game we came home and grilled steak, sauteed mushrooms and salad. Shortly after dinner settled in we went out for frozen custard!

It was great having Dad visit!

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