
Sunday, May 3, 2009

March of Dimes Walk

United Health Group, my employer, participated in the March of Dimes "Walk for Babies" this year so my co-worker, Beth, and I agreed to support and walk this year!

Beth is much more physically fit than I am (hell ... so is Kirstie Alley!) so she really challenged met to walk at a fast pace! We speed walked 3 miles in less than an hour! The first five minutes were the hardest, but then it was painless! As always, she was great company and made the time enjoyable!

The walk was held in downtown Kansas City - which has many, many parking garages. Well, neither Beth nor I really paid much attention to which garage we parked in (maybe we were both assuming the other was paying attention or had *some* sense of direction?). About 30 minutes after we arrived and registered, I asked her if she knew how to get back to the parking garage. She "thought so." Well, we got a few extra walking strides in anyway, but were able to find our cars after only about 20 minutes of walking around!

It was a great experience; so touching to see so many people show up! And sooo many kids there to show all the great work that comes from the donations!

After I got home I took advantage of our beautiful weather and mowed the front yard (I go into near cardiac arrest if I try to do the back yard!). After mowing I thought I'd save my honey some time and sweep the garage out for him. Trying to stop and appreciate the things he does to the home to make it beautiful and enjoyable!

Now Dayne and I are getting ready to tackle all the junk in the "dungeon" in preparation for our neighborhood garage sale on the 15th and 16th! They are sooo much work. I think by the time all the work is done I end up making about $5 and hour ... maybe this year will be different!

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