
Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

How exciting! We have visitors for Halloween this year! Donna, Gretchen and the kids came down on Thursday for the weekend! That night we carved pumpkins to proudly display on the front porch (above).

... and on Friday Rocky and his family also joined us! Rocky is Donna's nephew and his son, Luke, plays football for Joplin and they were playing a local school on Friday night!

TJ was Anakin (from Star Wars) and Kylie AND Dayne were Hannah Montana! Gretchen and I took the kids around the neighborhood while Donna and Mindy (Rocky's wife) passed out candy. Of course at the start of the night the kids were pumped up and full of energy ... with big plans to trick or treat at EVERY house! About an hour into the night, they were pooped and ready to call it quits. They got a good loot though!

Saturday we took the kids to see High School Musical 3. It was very good, actually (and that Zac Efron sure is dreamy <and 21>!!!). TJ really enjoyed the movie, singing and dancing during all the signing parts! It wasa nice to get out and do something with the kids! After the movie we went to some local consignment stores to hunt down some bargains!

When we got home the kids all played basketball in the driveway. Again, it was nice for them to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors and the company of each other! Uncle even got out there with them and showed them some moves!

The Peterson-Hansen crew left Sunday morning, but since it was daylight savings time and we set our clocks back an hour the night before, we got an extra hour with them! They played some more basketball just before they left ... great for the kids to get some energy out before they hit the road for the 5 hour trip! It was great having them visit!

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