
Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Way of the World

The Way of the World is a book that was loaned to me by Beth, my friend and co-worker (for the record she and I have opposing political views, but I love her so much!). The book started out really good and really interesting. It is about people who have come to America from foreign places and how different (not necessarily wrong) America's practices are than their own. It was eye opening, but again ... not that how we do it is more right or wrong than their culture - - just very different.

After about a third of the way into the book the author's personal distaste for President Bush was outweighing the other stuff and I couldn't handle it any more so I stopped reading it. I am sure many of you reading of this (judging from my poll half of you don't share my views!) don't LOVE LOVE LOVE Bush either, but it was just flat disrespectful at times. I vow to never be disrespectful to Obama; he is the man who our nation chose to lead us. It's nice that I live in such a great country that I CAN talk smack about my leader, but I choose not to.

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