
Sunday, November 23, 2008

On our way to being rich!

Okay, maybe that's a stretch ... but I am a lot more educated on stocks and trading! This weekend was the weekend Beth and I had signed up for the Investools educational seminar on investing. Wow was it a lot of information! The main speaker, Andrew Scott, promised us at the start of day one that by the end of day two we'd all have that 'light bulb moment' where it all came together. Well, I don't know that my light bulb was fully illuminated, but there was a strong flicker anyway!

Graden is very well informed on how stocks work. By working at home and having the TV on all the time, he learns a lot. He learns easily, I have learned. He decided to make it a competition between the two of us to see who can do better in the stock market: Me, who spent $99 and 16+ hours educating myself, and him, who spent zilch time of official education on the subject matter. He put $500 in seperate accounts for us and the challenge is on!! I have about 6 hours of online education courses before I will make any moves, but he has already chosen who he is going to invest in. I will keep you all posted ... either way I think we are winners (assuming we don't both FLOP!).

Wish me luck, everyone!

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